Friday, June 22, 2012

Hello, my name is Kat and I'm a shipper part 2

In my last post I said Sherlock was my current favorite fandom. It still is but I have a new fandom ever since The Avengers came to the cinemas.And now my new obsession is Tony/Steve: Superhusbands. I just can't get enough of them. I swear to god this ship is going to kill me one of these days. too many feels that i can't hold. 

I'm also absolutely obsessed with Robert Downey Jr. because he is a perfect human being and it's ruining my life. He's like a good wine, gets better with age. and his perfection makes me cry. 
And, of course, as everyone knows RDJ is Tony Stark in real life. no one can deny that.and Tony gives me ALL THE FEELS! can't get enough of those feels, damnit.

I'm gonna go die now..