Monday, August 31, 2009

coming up with funny titles is harder than i thought

I'm back again! 8D

It's sunny today. waoo! but it's fricking windy. i hate windy days. especially because i have a fringe and yeah when i finally get inside my hair is a mess. sucks!

oh yessss!! Miami Ink is on!
Ami James and Yoji Harada...yummmm, do want! *drools* :D
i can't wait 'til i get my own tattoo.

i slept the whole day away today. enjoying my cosy bed (where i have slept like only 10 times, maybe, during the whole summer) and like the last free day i have before school starts. and it indeed starts like tomorrow already. i'm flipping out!!!! *hyperventilates*

omg!! i can't believe what just happened to me. two people(one was like ooold, the other one was a little younger) came to my door and i was like, hmm, what could they possibly want, and then they said: "hello we're here to talk about god."
.....and i wanted to slam the door on their faces immediately. XD
i mean seriously, do they really think i'm one of those weak-minded people who fall for that crap??!
and they like totally spoke with those angelic voices and wanted to further discuss about god in my home and even showed me some book that had all the answers yada yada yada...
actually, i was like totally trying not to laugh at them. it was hillarious really.

okey, that's it for my ramblings....for now. :D *laughs like a maniac*

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