Friday, October 30, 2009

I didn't know Lady Gaga wanted to ride on Edward's disco stick..

oh my, oh my...
what can i say, i was eehmmm... away. i have a life too you know, even though you probably don't believe me.

Anyway, i had a whole free week from school to relax and enjoy life...instead i was working my ass off. man, i just know how to live life...not. i was supposed to party and have fun, but never mind that now.

I'm gonna scream my head off now.. because of the new chapters this week.
One Piece: whut the buck?! WB was stabbed? the hell?! whyyyy did one of the pirates who was fighting with him all of a sudden turn against him??? because, you know like he and they and...oohhhhhhhhhh...i think i get it now. holy crap!! (i probably got it wrong anyway, but who cares)
Everyone was so shocked! and fuuuuuuuck! Luffy or someone needs to save Ace already! i can't take this suspense anymore! with every chapter i'm like pulling my hair out in frustration and anger. aarrrgghhh!! (i won't have any hair left like that, damn)

Naruto: ..............I could only laugh at that chapter. I mean, Sakura's confession?! that was the worst confession in the history of confessions like EVER!!! I mean, yeah, she only did it to ease the burden Naruto had and shit like that but jeeeeez!!! she needs some acting lessons or something. could she actually be any more fail than that? But luckily Naruto is way smarter than that, obviously Sakura didn't think that, and pushed her away. yesshh, the forehead bitch got pwned...again. She needs to grow up already and start being useful for real. So, the best part of the chapter was when Naruto said: "I hate people who lie to themselves!" It was perfect! thumbs up for that. sakura was like D: *mouth hanging open*
so much for your brilliant plan! next time let people with brains come up with the plan, okey?
Now i'm done bashing the useless biatch! (what can i say, i just don't like all! never did, never will!) the end!

TsubasaRC: well, it finally ended. the ending was...well, weird. Not what i was looking forward to but that is just typical.

Vampire Knight: I'm only gonna say this: every time i check the next chapter i just feel nauseous. that's what i think of this manga. I actually liked the beginning and the artwork is fabulous so i even bought 2 volumes, but that was mostly it. then it just went downhill for me. (PS! I hate Yuuki and Kaname! they suck!!, not in that meaning. :D)

hohoho!! it's like 2 AM in here and i'm watching GODZILLAAA!! he's such a cute snuggle puppy! i'd like him as my pet. we would have soooo much fun terrorizing people and cities. *dreams about puppy godzilla* sigh
Damn those stupid people, firing at my cute little puppy. i hate them! seriously, big monster dinosaurs have feelings too, you know.

my dog is crazy! (what else is new?)
he's horny as hell! hohoho! 8D yes, i just said that, you heard me right!
he's biting me, holy crap!!! someone save me, he's fucking nuts!
he would hump anything, trust me! when he was little, he humped my Bunny (stuffed animal)
Bunny still goes to therapy because of the nightmare! poor Bun-Bun! D':

well, i'm out of news.
i'll go and run away from my psycho dog now!

until next time...

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